Information Technology Department

Information Technology / HMIS


Information Technology department was established in November 2018 in response to the growing demand for the use of IT within the Hospital environment. It is located in private room B block at first floor.
The Information Technology (IT) Department develops and maintains an internal network of over 45 desktop workstations, digital office equipment and the networking equipment, operating systems and servers to tie them together.


IT department maintains an array of patient and financial information systems including complete patient record from entry point to discharge, assessment and analysis for top level managment, patient research diagnosis for health care providers, and a human resources information system. In addition to maintaining existing systems we are actively working to introduce new systems for areas such as, financial information management, Inventory control system, electronic information management, and voice over IP. IT department also provide a helpdesk function for assistance to all managerial staff with use of MS Office Professional and other related software as well as the printers and photocopiers. IT department besiedes it own organization; also maintains and generate HR and payroll information for associated organizations i.e Mohi ud Din Islamic Medical College, Mirpur AJ&K.


IT understands the importance and the value of having access to reliable information. IT's main responsibilities include:

Office Timing

Morning Shift 08:00am - 02:00pm
Evening Shift 02:00pm - 08:00pm

Team Members of Information Technology / HMIS Department