Hospital committees and teams plays an important role in management and decision making in hospital. While, hospitals are organized into departments with each department, for something as complex as healthcare, there are many issues which cut across the responsibilities of more than one department. These issues require people in different roles and with different expertise, to collectively take appropriate decisions and actions. Committees and teams are formed for this purpose and depending upon the type of issues to be dealt with different committees and teams are formed. Following are the MOTH Committees.
Call to Action!Better & Qualitative Treatment is our First Periority & Mission, These Committees ensure Quality Treatment to the Clientele.
This committee takes responsibility of developing and periodically reviewing the organization wide quality improvement programme. The committee generally works as an apex committee for a hospital preparing for accreditation
This committee bears the responsibility of infection control measures with an objective of reducing the risk of Hospital Acquired Infections. The committee discusses and decides on each matter that can have an effect on infection control and ensures implementation of actions on such decisions.
Inspection Committee inspects all actions/hospital working requiring Inspection. It is also responsible for the inspection of all purchased items including Hospital Equipment as well as pharmacy Items.
A Purchase Committee is a group of designated staff entrusted upon for all sorts of Hospital Purchasese established for independent review and evaluation of purchasing documentation and is also responsible for recommending the most appropriate supplier or service provider based on price, quality, stock availability, references etc.
Transfusion Committees play an important central role in the strategic, operational and reporting lines for transfusion safety, implementation of Patient Blood Management (PBM) initiatives and management of blood supply and use in hospitals.
This committee deals with all matters pertaining to pharmacy, medicines and medical consumable used in the hospital for patient care. There are many issues related to safety, quality and ethics under use of drugs and this committee resolve those issues
Ethics committee plays an advisory role in all matters related to ethical dilemma. While research ethics committee can be constituted as per ICMR guidelines and which undertakes approval and monitoring of clinical researches, hospital ethics committee deals with unusual, complicated ethical problems involving issues that affect the care and treatment of patient.