S.No Clinical Name Clinica Service Departments
01 GEN. SURGERY Hepatobiliary Surgery. Colorectal Surgery. Pancreatic Surgery. Esophageal Surgery. Endocrine Surgery. Breast Surgery. Thoracic & Vascular Surgery. Laparoscopic Surgery.
02 GEN. MEDICINE Diabetes Clinic. Hematology. Infectious diseases.
03 PSYCHIATRY OPD. In patient care (admission). Psychotherapy. Electro-convulsive therapy (E.C.T). Electro-Enchephalogram (E.E.G).
04 OPHTHALMOLOGY FFA. Automated Retraction. Laser Therapy. Perimetry.
05 PATHOLOGY Histopathology. Cytology. F.N.A. Hematology. Bone marrow Aspiration. Coagulation Tests. Chemistry Blood GasesStone. Analysis. Electrolytes. Microbiology. SerologyHCV (Elisa). HBsAg (Elisa). Parasitology. All routine tests.
06 CARDIOLOGY Electrocardiography. Echocardiography. Transthoracic. Trans Esophageal. Stress Echo. Holter Monitoring. Exercise testing. Nuclear Cardiology & Lung Scan. Coronary Angiography. Diagnostic. Interventional. Peripheral Angiography. Temporary & Permanent. Pacemakers.
07 BLOOD BANK HIV, HBsAg, HCV for Donors. Cross match. Rh Antibodies. Coombs Test. Plasma Pharases. Single platelet Donor.
08 DERMATOLOGY PUVA Therapy (Machine, Full Apparatus). Cautery (Fine bipolar machine). Diagnostic & Operative procedures. Cryotheraphy gym and Co2 Storage chambers.
09 PHARMACY Drugs/medicines. Zakat patients. Reimbursement bills. Information about medicines.
10 ENT Diagnostic Services. NasoEndoscopy. Typmpanometry. Pure Tone Audiogram (PTA). Evoked Response Audiometry (ERA). Speech Therapy. Surgical Procedures. Tonsillectomy. Cleft lip/Palate Repair. Nasal Septum Surgery. Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS). Tracheostomy Rigid Oesophagoscopy (Endoscopy). Rigid Bronchoscopy. Head & Neck Surgery including Laryngectomy. Excision of AngioFibroma. Thyroidectomy. Ear surgery including Stapedectomy. ENT and Head & Neck Emergency treatment.
11 ORTHOPEDICS General Orthopedics & Trauma. Joint Replacement Surgery. Arthroscopy. Poliomyelitis - Cerebral pulsy. Tumor Surgery.
12 Radiology X-Ray. Fluoroscopic Examination. Ultrasound. Doppler. C.T Scan. M.R.I.